What is a Film Trailer?

In this section, you will put together everything you have learnt about the Trailer Trio of film analysis and the Four Features of Persuasion to create your own film script for a teaser trailer version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul.

Watch the long version of the trailer and discuss its effectiveness as a persuasive text.
Talk through the Four Features of Persuasion:

  • Questions: what questions would you like to have answered having seen the trailer?
  • Imagery: what key images stood out to you? Why?
  • Humour: did the trailer make you laugh? Which bits and why?
  • Empathy: did you empathise with any of the characters? Which ones and why?

Talk through the Trailer Trio of film language tools:

  • Shot: what types of camera angles were used?
  • Sound: describe the use of music, sound effects, dialogue and voicover.
  • Sequence: how is the trailer constructed? What information are we given and what is left out?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul

Create a script

Now, you are going to create a script for a teaser trailer of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul. A teaser trailer is so short and succinct that it ‘teases’ the audience about the film. Which features of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul trailer do you think need to be included in the teaser trailer?

Work in groups to come up with your teaser trailer script. Use the success criteria to help you. When you’ve finished, perform your trailer to your peers, and evaluate each others’ contributions. Use this Success Criteria worksheet as a guide.