The Film Corner Reloaded – A Cultural approach

The Film Corner Reloaded – A cultural approach” is a follow-up project to the successful “The Film Corner. Online and offline activities for film literacy”.

The aim of the second edition of the project, is to design, develop and test film education resources for students aged 11-18, and their teachers.

The new project is dedicated to an interdisciplinary and cross-curricular approach to film education centered on the main topic of film and its relationships with other subjects in the curriculum.

The platform utilises a selection of EU and non-EU films and audiovisual clips. The Film Corner platform will also present a catalogue of EU both classic and contemporary feature films that will be available for free on a vod section of the platform.

The Film Corner connects the critical, creative and cultural/interdisciplinary approaches, making an all-in-one interactive tool that can help develop a comprehensive program of film education. The platform will also include a public networking space in which can connect, fostering interaction and viral online dissemination of the project.

The platform is available free of charge for school teachers and students and is open to students and teachers from school form any other country who would request to access.

For more information please visit


The Film Corner platform consists of an interactive narrative-based environmental layout with game-based educational resources integrated as apps with which the user can interact. The platform has been developed in at least four EU languages including English, French, Italian and Serbian.



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